Third week of Advent

From the Office

Kia Ora

Here is your pewsheet for the week.

COVID Response

With growing transmission in the community, we’re asking for your help in reducing risk in our congregation. Following advice from the diocese and discussion with the wardens we are recommending

- Masks are strongly encouraged when gathering for worship

- Those presiding over and distributing communion will be masked

- We’ll continue to offer communion in both kinds, with the reminder that the cup is voluntary and communion is perfectly valid when taken in bread only

- We will continue with morning tea at this stage

- We remind you to keep up good hand hygiene, and to stay at home and watch online if unwell.

Please do remember that there are baskets under the Christmas tree in the foyer for you to donate unwrapped gifts to people via the City Mission.

Take care everyone.


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Collect for the second Sunday in Advent